Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Not much new here. Our remodel project still isn't done, but we're getting much closer. I painted the walls last Thursday. I have some touch up I'm going to do today. We went to IKEA Sunday afternoon and bought our chairs (they were out of the table we wanted so we have to go back this week sometime) some shelves for my new wall and a few other things. We also bought a new light fixture. When everything is done, I'll post some pictures so you can see it. After I'm all done with the paint Josh is going to hang the trim and that will be it. YIPPEE!!! ...Until our next project of course. :)

Klaryssa is doing well. She is sitting up by her self for longer periods of time now and she scoots which is pretty funny. I'll put her on the floor in her room and she'll be on the other end when I come back. Everyone has seen her bouncy seat right? Well two nights ago Josh put her in there and then we came back in the living room and she was in the middle of the living room floor. Josh said, I put her in her chair right? Well she has learned how to climb out of it and if I try strapping her in it she DOES not like that. She tries to undo the straps. We went to the Dr last Friday for her well visit and she is 16 pounds now. She was only in the 45% percentile for weight, but the last time we went in she was in the 95% for weight. It really varies a lot based on her growth spurts. She is jabbering a lot now too, its very cute.

Anyway, that's the latest on her... and us of course.