Thursday, July 27, 2006

Baby's Room Pics...

The top picture is the color the walls are right now. It turned out really well with the white trim. I've done more since then, but I wanted you to see the color of the walls at least. The picture on the bottom is the nasty color. The one I thought was light pink and turned out a pepto bismal shade. ICK!

Pics as promised...

This one is from my baby shower. I am 28 weeks here.

This one is from Chicago. I think I was 21 weeks here.

Me and Josh at one of softball games. I think I was about 30 or 31 weeks here.

More baby shower pictures. 28 weeks.

Monday, July 24, 2006

35 Weeks.....

So both of my sister in laws posted, so I was inspired (and guilty) to put a post up. The pregnancy is still doing very well. Getting bigger and bigger all the time! :) I was supposed to have my 34 week appointment last week, but my dr had to cancel because she was at the hospital delivering, so i'm going tomorrow instead. I'm 35 weeks!!! Can you believe it?? It's gone so fast. I must say the last trimester is going very slow, I'm thankful, but not at the same time. I'm getting to the point of being tired of being pregnant and would like to have my normal body back! (Yes, I know all the mothers out there are saying, you'll never have your same body back... I'll take that challenge on! :)

I have the baby's room done and it's very cute, all we have left to do is curtains, and there's some in Pottery barn kids I want so bad, but I'm debating making them. We'll see. They look kind of simple, but I'd have to do it by hand since I don't have a sewing machine. (and no room for one either ;)

Josh just finished his third master's class tonight and he has NO class until September! YEA!!! I'm going to put him to work building a toy box and book shelves for the baby's room! :)
His soccer team won the districts and are going to state this coming weekend, so we'll be at soccer games all weekend. He's looking forward to having that done as well. The month of August is going to be strange for him, having no commitments in the evening.

I'm still debating about work, we're praying and trusting God will show us which direction to take. Noting like waiting until the last minute. Oh well. I'm not too worried about it.

I PROMISE I will post some pictures of my huge belly and the baby's room. I have to have Josh download them for me, because he does it faster than me. :) And then I will post some. You'll all be surprised at how big I am... Actually I'm starting to get tired of people saying... You don't look "that" big, or just making comments about my size in general. It does get old after a while. I guess it goes with the territory.

I made a peach cobbler tonight at my husband's request, so speaking of big, I think I'll go have some of that with my hubby and off to bed.