Thursday, August 31, 2006

Turtles and weight watchers

Yes, Saturday is my due date and still no baby. Believe me, I've been talking to her and trying to coax her out, but so far no such luck. I had my good cry last night because I saw some pictures of myself. Pictures of pregancy should be BURNED! Josh was so sweet though. He cheered me up. After I saw the pictures, I got my weight watchers book out and I will be joining as soon as this kid comes out. :) They have a program for nursing mothers, and there's a meeting in Mound that I'm going to go to. I can work out at Crown for free, so I'm looking forward to running again, I've actually missed it. I'm sure I won't be saying I've missed it when I'm actually running, but I'll just try and remember how I couldn't run for 9 months because it was too uncomfortable.

Josh is gone to Duluth tomorrow for a game, so I'm actually praying I don't go into labor tomorrow, because he'll have to FLY home to get me. He's driving separately from the team in case I need him. Believe me, if I have any consistent contractions I'll be calling him. I've been having contractions off and on for the last week and a half or so, so I know she's getting ready, but it sure takes her a long time to get ready to come out. He has a game on Saturday, but that one is in the cities, so it's no big deal, he'll be able to get home in plenty of time.

Last Sunday Josh built the cutest bookshelf for her room. It really is sooooo cute. I can't really describe it, but it has movable heart bookends that screw into the shelf. I love it. He painted it white and has to do one more coat tonight. Maybe I'll post a picture. I have the camera all charged for the hospital and I've never used our video camera, it was given to us and so I'm trying to figure out how to use it because I'd like to take it to the hospital.

Something interesting happened to me on my way to work this morning. I stopped for some gas and this man pulled up behind me at the pump and wanted to ask me a question. He asked me if I had one of those green turtle sandboxes. (apparently he saw I was pregnant) I said no, and he said he saw one free on the curb this morning and picked it up. His wife runs a day care and she already had one and he didn't know it so he asked if I wanted it. Otherwise he was just going to put it on his curb for free. I said sure, so he stuffed it in my trunk. Isn't that nice? So now she has a sandbox to play in. :)

I go to the dr tomorrow so lets hopes theres some changes happening... :)


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