Thursday, August 24, 2006

39 weeks...

One week from today is my due date!! I had been having trouble sleeping, but last night I finally had a GREAT night's sleep. I slept the entire night through without even having to get up to go to the bathroom. Usually, I average getting up three times a night. The night before I think I had only had about 3 hours of sleep, so I was just exhausted all day. It feels good to feel rested.

I feel like I just can't wait anymore... but then another day goes by with nothing, and then I have to face the next day. One positive... at least I'm not an elephant (even if I feel like one) because they're pregnant for like three years or something. That would be torture!

I go to the doctor tomorrow, so we'll see if she has anything new to say, probably not, they'll just check my blood pressure to make sure it's normal and ask how everything is going and remind me who to call when I start contractions. :) Can you tell, I'm ready to get this baby out? :)'

I feel kinda bad compaining though because I really have had such an easy pregnancy, with the excpetion of feeling nauseous for the first three months every day, it's been a breeze. Even my nausea was nothing compared to what some women have to go through. Lets just hope my labor is the same! :)

I signed up for this pregnancy program through our health insurance company and they're supossed to have a nurses hotline and send you a bunch of literature. I signed up for this about three months into my pregancy and would you believe I got my FIRST book and peice of literature yesterday? I think someone over there needs to work on mailing things in a timely manner, seeing as how I only have a week left! I really like the book though, it's from the Mayo Clinic and very informative.

We are getting storms today. I love thunderstorms. Josh had to cancel is soccer practice this morning though because it was hailing where he was. It hasn't started hailing here yet, but I think it's headed this way. He got to be home last night because they didn't have an evening session which was very nice. I made about 65 cupcakes for the teams last night so he was happy about that. But boy did my back hurt when I was done. I got a much needed back massage from my hubby! :)

I'm going to try posting a few more pics from my shower, I tried yesterday , but they wouldn't post so we'll see.

Have a good day everyone!


At 9:58 AM, Blogger tammi said...

Holy schnikes - you're preggo?? How are ya girl? Got your blog address from AmyP so I thought I'd stop by.
Would love to hear how you're doing.

At 7:48 PM, Blogger Kelly Dykstra said...

WOW! I can't believe the surprise worked!!!

It was so good to spend time with you (however briefly) Friday & Saturday! Thanks so much for working your beauty magic on us girls! We got sooo many compliments! You're an angel...and it's just perfect that you're going to have a girl...that'll suit you (girly-girl) just fine!
Love you!


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