Monday, June 19, 2006

Hi there. Doing well here. This week I am 30 weeks pregnant. I can't believe I only have 10 more weeks to go. This really has gone by so fast. It's getting exciting and nerve racking at the same time.

Michele and I went to IKEA on Friday and I bought some baskets for the changing table and some picture frames. I decided to do black and white pictures on one wall. I STILL have not decided it I'm going to paint the room or not. It's tan right now and I might just keep it that way, but I have to figure out some stenciling or something to do around the top so it's not so boring.

Josh had a softball game last night which they won, but Josh was disappointed with his performance. He has played really really well every other game, but he just had an off he mildly twisted his ankle on one of the bags and he's limping today. He taped it all up, but I know he was in pain this morning. He always has a really busy Monday. He goes to work in the morning, then straight to practice then straight to class and he finally gets home around 10:30pm. So, on top of his ankle I hope he does alright today. Maybe I'll have to do something special for him make pizza or something.

I'm going to clean tonight and finish the laundry. Sounds like a fun night. I am having SUCH a hard time concentrating at work. I'm usually good all morning and then by about 12:30 I wipe out and I'm pretty much done for the afternoon. I really need to put my nose to the grindstone. Only 2 more months. I keep looking forward to my days off.

The baby is moving so much now. Sometimes, I get a sharp pain and I think he/she bit me or pinched me on the inside. I know he didn't, but it's funny to think that. I have my 30 week apt on Wednesday morning and then for the next 4 weeks I go every two weeks to the dr and then at 34 weeks I go every week. That's quite the driving for me. My dr is 45 minutes away from my work. I'm trying to schedule then on Friday afternoons, since I only work until noon, but it's hard.

Keep praying for us that we can figure out what we're going to do with my job situation after the baby is born.

Bye for now...


At 8:42 PM, Blogger Kelli said...

Hmm.. Fredricks post is um... interesting.

Well, congrats on your Anniversary gift. I heard all about it. VERY EXCITING! (I won't give too much away in case someone reads that you haven't talked you yet) :)


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