Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Soggy Days

Well it has been raining for about 24 hours. A town north of us had 9 inches of rain! We had about 6. So we weren't sure if we would even be able to play our games yesterday, but it held off during that time. Our girls beat Faith 4-1 which was good (bad for Laura, but good for us :). And the guys got to play about 60 minutes of their 90 minute game. We were winning 2-0 when it got VERY dark in about 5 minutes and started pouring! including thunder and lightening. We only needed 12 more minutes for the game to count, so now we have to make up 12 minutes with Faith somehow before Regionals. Not exactly sure how they are going to manage that, but we'll see. The clouds are supposed to part this afternoon sometime.

The rain is pretty inconvenient for us right now as we are trying to paint our garage. We only have a week to get it done (according to the insurance company)...we have not been procrastinating, we have just honestly been too busy to get it done. Josh is going to take a power washer to it this afternoon to get the paint chips off and then hopefully start painting tomorrow.


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